Reversi (Othello) Game
Reversi (Othello) is a board game (board size of 8x8) played by two players. Each player tries to turn the other’s pieces to his/her own pieces. In the end the player which has more pieces on the board is the winner. You can find the detail rules on Wikipedia.
The strategy I implemented for this game is based on this website. It is quite simple as I assign a specific value for all positions of the board as the image below:
For searching the optimal move, I have used Negascout algorithm. This can be faster than alpha-beta prunning algorithm.
public MoveScore abNegascout(char[][] board, int ply, int alpha, int beta, char piece) {
char oppPiece = (piece == Reversi.sBLACK_PIECE) ? Reversi.sWHITE_PIECE : Reversi.sBLACK_PIECE;
// Check if we have done recursing
if (ply == mMaxPly){
return new MoveScore(null, Evaluation.evaluateBoard(board, piece, oppPiece));
int currentScore;
int bestScore = -INFINITY;
MoveCoord bestMove = null;
int adaptiveBeta = beta; // Keep track the test window value
// Generates all possible moves
ArrayList<MoveCoord> moveList = Evaluation.genPriorityMoves(board, piece);
if (moveList.isEmpty())
return new MoveScore(null, bestScore);
bestMove = moveList.get(0);
// Go through each move
for(int i = 0; i < moveList.size(); ++i){
MoveCoord move = moveList.get(i);
char[][] newBoard = new char[8][8];
for (int r = 0; r < 8; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < 8; ++c)
newBoard[r][c] = board[r][c];
Reversi.effectMove(newBoard, piece, move.getRow(), move.getCol());
// Recurse
MoveScore current = abNegascout(newBoard, ply + 1, -adaptiveBeta, -Math.max(alpha,bestScore), oppPiece);
currentScore = -current.getScore();
// Update bestScore
if (currentScore > bestScore){
// if in 'narrow-mode' then widen and do a regular AB negamax search
if (adaptiveBeta == beta || ply >= (mMaxPly - 2)) {
bestScore = currentScore;
bestMove = move;
} else { // otherwise, we can do a Test
current = abNegascout(newBoard, ply + 1, -beta, -currentScore, oppPiece);
bestScore = -current.getScore();
bestMove = move;
// If we are outside the bounds, the prune: exit immediately
if(bestScore >= beta) {
return new MoveScore(bestMove,bestScore);
// Otherwise, update the window location
adaptiveBeta = Math.max(alpha, bestScore) + 1;
return new MoveScore(bestMove,bestScore);
Here is the Reversi.jar file which you can download and play with the AI. It’s hard to beat it =P. You can download the source code of the game at my GitHub.
Hope you enjoy it!