Simple Web Proxy Python

March 5, 2011

When I was in year 3, I studied the module “Computer Network 2”. There was an assignment about implementation of a simple web proxy. In this post, I will share with you my program for the assignment (written in Python).

The proxy sits between the client (usually web browser) and the server (web server). In our simple case, the client sends all its requests to the proxy instead of sending requests directly to the server. The proxy then opens a connection to the server, and passes on the client’s request. Then when the proxy receives the reply from the server, it sends that reply back to the client. There are several reasons we use proxy for our browser: Performance (the proxy caches the pages that it fetched), Content Filtering and Transformation (block access to certain domain, reformat web pages), and Privacy. In my program, I do not implement these features. Here is the main function of the program:

import os,sys,thread,socket

#********* CONSTANT VARIABLES *********
BACKLOG = 50            # how many pending connections queue will hold
MAX_DATA_RECV = 4096    # max number of bytes we receive at once
DEBUG = False           # set to True to see the debug msgs

#********* MAIN PROGRAM ***************
def main():

  # check the length of command running
  if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
    print "usage: proxy <port>"
    return sys.stdout

  # host and port info.
  host = ''               # blank for localhost
  port = int(sys.argv[1]) # port from argument

    # create a socket
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    # associate the socket to host and port
    s.bind((host, port))

    # listenning

  except socket.error, (value, message):
    if s:
    print "Could not open socket:", message

  # get the connection from client
  while 1:
    conn, client_addr = s.accept()

    # create a thread to handle request
    thread.start_new_thread(proxy_thread, (conn, client_addr))


if __name__ == '__main__':

In the main function, we create a socket to listen requests from client (web browser). The port of the socket is the command argument of the program. Since the proxy needs to handle multiple clients at the same time, we need to implement multi-threading for it. Whenever the proxy received a request from client, it creates a thread to handle the request thread.start_new_thread(proxy_thread, (conn, client_addr)). Below is the code for proxy_thread() function:

def proxy_thread(conn, client_addr):

  # get the request from browser
  request = conn.recv(MAX_DATA_RECV)

  # parse the first line
  first_line = request.split('n')[0]

  # get url
  url = first_line.split(' ')[1]

  if (DEBUG):
    print first_line
    print "URL:", url

  # find the webserver and port
  http_pos = url.find("://")          # find pos of ://
  if (http_pos==-1):
    temp = url
    temp = url[(http_pos+3):]       # get the rest of url

  port_pos = temp.find(":")           # find the port pos (if any)

  # find end of web server
  webserver_pos = temp.find("/")
  if webserver_pos == -1:
    webserver_pos = len(temp)

  webserver = ""
  port = -1
  if (port_pos==-1 or webserver_pos < port_pos):      # default port
    port = 80
    webserver = temp[:webserver_pos]
  else:       # specific port
    port = int((temp[(port_pos+1):])[:webserver_pos-port_pos-1])
    webserver = temp[:port_pos]

  print "Connect to:", webserver, port

    # create a socket to connect to the web server
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.connect((webserver, port))
    s.send(request)         # send request to webserver

    while 1:
      # receive data from web server
      data = s.recv(MAX_DATA_RECV)

      if (len(data) > 0):
        # send to browser
  except socket.error, (value, message):
    if s:
    if conn:
    print "Runtime Error:", message

The proxy_thread function firstly parse the web server URL and port (if the port is not defined, default port 80 will be used). For example, the first line of the request from client is GET HTTP/1.1 we need to parse the URL When the URL is ready, the proxy just create a connection to server using the URL, send the request to it to receive back resulted web page and then send the web page to web browser.

Yosh! we have done a simple web proxy. For advanced features, the web proxy needs to handle https requests, allow user login to websites. I have attached my program below the post. To run the program, use python 9876 where 9876 is the port number of the proxy. For the web browser, you need to configure proxy for it (hostname and port).

The source code of the proxy can be downloaded at my GitHub. Hope you enjoy this post! =]

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